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Nay’s Place

No. of Kids: One (is enough!!). Charlotte – 1 and a half yrs.
Current City: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

What’s your blog all about?
I am a SAHM to Charlotte and Chase (dog), wife to Bevan and wannabe creative crafter/sewer and gardener! My blog is a random collection of posts about Charlotte, Chase, our travels, my sewing, my cooking and my garden.

Why did you start blogging?
Because a friend had just started a blog and had her settings (unwittingly) set so that you needed to sign up to comment…once I was signed up I thought I might as well write something….and four years later I’m still writing!

What is your favourite part about blogging?
Someone recently asked me “how do you know what to write so that people are interested and want to read it”. To which my response was “I write what I like and don’t care if no one else wants to read it. Its my blog, I’ll write what I like!! And that is my favourite part. I don’t have to care what anyone else thinks because my blog is mine and mine alone.

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
Post scheduling!! Is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. I sit down once or twice a week when the mood hits and just write and write and write and then schedule each post to pop up over the coming days. Is a life-saver (and time-saver).

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Don’t feel pressured to have a “perfect” blog like some of the professional mummy bloggers you see (in America particularly). Start simple and try and learn something each month to continue growing your blog and making it “yours”. Also – commenting is important. We all like getting comments….so don’t forget to leave comments on the blogs that you read. That helps you get a wider readership, as well. People see your comments on other blogs and come and visit you to see what your blog is all about.

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
Horror Hostel Story – Edinburgh – The Horror Hostel
Announcing I was pregnant – News for the Week
My favourite-ist recipe in the world – Recipe: Russian Fudge

Top 3 favourite blogs?
Her Womb, Our Hearts
Reclaiming Me
Gaijin Wife

2 Responses to Renee

  1. Rach says:

    Thanks for the tip on post scheduling… Could even make me look organised – great trick : )

  2. says:

    I like it wɦen people come togetɦеr and share ideas.

    Great blog, κeep it up!

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