Striking Keys
Current City: Dunedin
No. of Kids I thought I’d have by now: 4
No. of Kids I actually have now: 1 ….one miracle daughter, born May 2009 and nicknamed “Esky” on the interwebs.
What’s your blog all about?
I waved fare-thee-well (with gusto) to my previous playgrounds (my classroom, office and art gallery) in favour of drinking in every delicious moment of motherhood on offer. Now I juggle that privilege with my nesting instincts, design contracts, sales work, churchy responsibilities, playing ‘The Nanny’ part-time to three kiddilicks, and my need to straighten things – all with our cherub (Esky) in tow.
Why did you start blogging?
Oh-so-many reasons. To me, blogging is journal-keeping and journal-sharing all wrapped up in one – and not just sharing with family and friends spread over straits and seas, but also sharing with anyone who’s interested. I realised I’d become a little Ninja-internet user – silently slipping in and out, taking, taking, taking…but not giving back. Blogging is my way of giving back; of becoming a contributor to the world canon of recipes, tutorials, ideas, shared experiences and memories, not just a taker. Plus, it’s fun to write, am I right? Work those language muscles, people! Which brings me to another big motive for starting blogging; blogging is hot. End. of. story.
What is your favourite part about blogging?
The part where it makes you hot.
How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
Esky naps, mamma blogs. If I’m blessed with another little one, the current system’s going to need some attention.
Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Blog what you live, don’t live to blog.
Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
Not a Stroke of Genius
Catching them mat-handed
My IVF Journey: Years 1 and 2 (Reader’s Digest version)
Top 3 favourite blogs?
NieNie Dialogues
Tales of the Red-Headed Devil Child
The Meanest Mom