Author Archives: gavyn
Angela Noelle
Striking Keys Current City: Dunedin No. of Kids I thought I’d have by now: 4 No. of Kids I actually have now: 1 ….one miracle daughter, born May 2009 and nicknamed “Esky” on the interwebs. What’s your blog all … Continue reading
All in the stars
When I was a teenager, the horoscopes in the back of my coveted ‘Just Seventeen’ magazines provided all the guidance and answers I needed to satisfy my hormonal angst; when will I meet my future husband, will Tracy ask me to her party, will I have 5 children or 6 when I “grow up”? I […] Continue reading
Ever Think You’re in Over Your Head?
There wasn’t a lot of rubbish in the wheelie bin a few weeks ago. That doesn’t seem to happen very often around these parts, so when it does, R takes the opportunity to mentally sort through items in the house to decide what needs to be thrown out. He always makes sure to tell me […] Continue reading
A marvellously splendid twenty-ten
I just listened to a voicemail from my Aunty Em, and that was her wish for us. We had a low-key New Years Eve; Mum and Dad have visitors from out of town, and we were all going to have a barbecue together up there, but Dad came down with some kind of gastro bug […] Continue reading