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How to find free images for your blog?


Freeimages screen shotSo have you ever been tempted to use someone elses image for your post?  Or are you just totally jealous of another bloggers ability to create great images  (I am secretly jealous of My Darling Lemon Thyme and her amazing photography).

Well this ‘how to’ is not about taking a great image (but maybe a post we should do shortly) but rather how to access free images for your posts without breaching that thing called copyright.

Here are the top 5 websites that you can copy an image without infringing copyright for your post.


Wikimedia Commons currently contains 21,110,878 files and 115,284 media collections. That is a massive database! You can search by numerous criteria including topic, location, and source. You can freely copy, use, and modify these files as you wish. Just make sure to follow the licensing terms of each file.


Dreamstime offers a free section, fully searchable and always updated content. You can use their free images under their RF-LL terms.


Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license. Just don’t forget to check the Attribution license of your preferred image.


Freeimages is a massive community of over 2,500,000 registered users and around 400,000 photos online.  You do need to become a member to gain access though. But it’s free to sign up!


The purpose of this site is to provide free image reference material for use in all creative pursuits.

Righto off to bed now so I get some sleep before baby awakes.  Also noting to myself to tell the Munch mums about all this and try to improve our imagery.  If only we had another Emma in the group!

Anna B


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