Super Mama
No. of Kids: 2 boys, 3 years and 8 months
Current City: Nelson
What’s your blog all about?
I am a young mum who is analytical, a tad OCD, who likes neat and tidy. LOTS of checklists, goals and structure – which isnt easy with two little kiddies. My blog is about being a mum and a housewife, and the gems and hurdles I have found along the way.
Why did you start blogging?
To connect with other mums to share the little gems I have found along the way
What is your favourite part about blogging?
I love writing and receiving the feedback from the posts
How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
I blog when the kids are sleeping
Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Dont try and be someone your not, dont put pressure on yourself, just enjoy it!
Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
Baby Temperaments:
What the hell am I doing having?
Potty Trained in 3 days.. Are you mad?
Top 3 favourite blogs
Creating childhood memories:
Cupcake Cutie: