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Stacey Smith


Meet Stacey Smith, from Crafty Organised Me.

1. No. of Kids: I’m a Mum to three children, although I only have two of my children at Featured Blogger Stacey Smith from Crafty Organised Mehome. Sadly we lost our first baby, a boy during pregnancy at 27 weeks, (I have written blog posts about my loss). My daughter was born in June 2012 and a second son in April 2014.

2. Current Location: New Plymouth, New Zealand. I have lived here since August 2008. I’m from Bournemouth in England, moved to New Zealand in May 2004 and lived in Palmerston North until I moved to New Plymouth.

3. What’s your blog all about?: My blog CraftyOrganisedMe is about me, my life as a Mum, working as a Registered Nurse and the high and lows of life. With reviews from time to time.

4. Why did you start blogging?: I started blogging in April 2015. I had thought about starting a blog for several years but always felt that no one would really like to read about my life and what I have to say. In the end I thought, I would just do it. If no one wants to reads it that’s fine but I have been finding it a great outlet for my life and a great place to make new friends.

5. What is your favourite part about blogging?: The support you get from other bloggers, everyone seems so friendly and encouraging. And I love that it gives me another outlet so I can share how I am feeling.

6. How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?: I wish I could say I have the perfect balance and I manage to juggle it all, but I do not. I probably spend time on my blog when I should be doing housework or making dinner! I usually write during the time when son has his nap and my daughter is at preschool and in the evenings if I’m feeling inspired. Anytime I get a quiet moment I will jot down a few ideas in my notebook.

7. Any advice to new/other bloggers?: Write what you want to write. Seek help from other bloggers of blogs that you enjoy and give each other support.

8. Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?:

9. Top 3 favourite blogs:

Happy Mum Happy Child of course, Maria is cool.

Twodaysgirl my lovely friend Bec, who lives in Australia. If it weren’t for blogging we never would have met.

Confessions of a Crummy Mummy, the lovely Natalie who lives in Brighton, England.

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