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Lyallii: Craft & Design
previously lyallii.wordpress.com

No. of Kids: One little boy named Rhys – our Boxing Day bub who is rapidly heading towards his first birthday!!
Current City: Wellington

What’s your blog all about?
Lyallii is the botanic name for lily and in a previous life (which I will soon return to part time) I worked with plants… in a round-about way. There is a plants and nature theme to my blog background, which is probably a bit different for a mum’s blog.

Why did you start blogging?
Before bubs arrived I was looking through baby things I could make and bibs looked like a good idea. After making a few for us and as gifts I made some bibs to sell and the blog began as a way to tell that story. I started my blog (on wordpress) to accompany my Felt shop, but the blog is growing from a photo journal of making bibs to a wider dialogue of family things, though creative endeavours are still common posts.

What is your favourite part about blogging?
I love the creative aspect… taking (hopefully) arty photos, having a play in Photoshop and checking through the finished post (often being far too fussy about random things). Sometimes the tricky bit is what to write. Part of my day job was using graphics programs to sell ideas… but blogging is about being creative for something I like rather than a specific client’s project and that can be a lot more fun.

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
In a nutshell: blog during nap time or after bed time. Typing away with junior on my knee (like I am right now!) is never that efficient.

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Go with the interesting post ideas that occur to you randomly during the day. Carry a camera and sometimes plan things that you know will make an interesting blog post. Get the camera out when you start a new project and record progress… that item of kids clothing will never be half made in the afternoon light again (unless you day falls apart and you are back there again tomorrow).

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
(Note some of these are from my old blog)
My very first post with arty photos of Casablanca Lilies… I had these flowers in my wedding bouquet – they are my all time favourite flower.
This was a simple post – but I really enjoyed the process. I took my niece (then 10 years old) for an autumn walk by the river and showed her how to record and post the outing in pictures.
… And from my new blog: I brought forward something from my childhood to make a new family tradition for our little guy.

Top 4 favourite blogs?
Tiny Happy is my absolute favourite blog – Melissa makes simple things beautiful
Soule Mama is another at home mum making things for (and with) her kids
The Wardrobe – more lovely creative things to inspire and motivate me

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