  • Welcome
  • Welcome lovely Kiwi mummy bloggers and those that love to read the posts from our talented bloggers.

    As you know this site was established in 2007, being the first blog aggregation site in NZ and we want to continue growing it for our readers, bloggers and our brands.

    Love Anna and Michelle xx

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Pip Star Rose

No. of Kids: Miss 4 and Master 2
Current City: Whangarei

What’s your blog all about?
My blog follows our families journey as we set ourselves massive goals for 2011. On the road to self sufficiency… vege garden progress, splitting our food bill in half, natural cleaning and living a similar lifestyle…an effort to slow life down a bit!

Why did you start blogging?
For the love of writing and the challenge we are undergoing

What is your favourite part about blogging?

Sharing, inspiring others as well as motivating myself

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
I try to have a set night a week when hubby out and kids are in bed that is my blogging time…

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Just write from your heart

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?

Splitting Bill
$100 groceries
Lovin’ Lovin’ Lovin’

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