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    Love Anna and Michelle xx

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Oh Waily Waily…

No. of Kids: Two. Miss Oh Waily is 3, and Master Oh Waily is 14 months.
Current City: Wellington

What’s your blog all about?
I am a stay-at-home Mum of two kids. I blog about things to do with our family, my interests and whatever takes my fancy, really.

Why did you start blogging?
Blogging for me came about in two ways. I was sending out an email newsletter to a group of friends and enjoying that. Then I found a good friend was blogging, mostly about technology, and I enjoyed reading his blog. After a while I thought it might be something I’d be interested in doing too as a replacement for the email.

What is your favourite part about blogging?
It’s a really great creative outlet. It lets me share my experiences and interests with others. And it can double as a journal for my children to read when they are older.

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
I use a lot of family things as inspiration, and after everyone is asleep is the usual time that I use to draft my blog entries.

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Read lots of blogs before you begin. Find what attracts you to the blogs that you keep reading.
For me the name you choose for the blog is really important – if you choose something too narrow at the start then you may find as you grow as a blogger that you have excluded too much of your creative potential. Personally I find clever, but humorous blog names more attractive. If you plan to blog about your family and indulge in the odd rant then you should give consideration to whether you are going to blog anonymously, identifiably or somewhere in between. Oh, and don’t restrict your reading to only things you are interested in – read the really good blogs about being a blogger, they have great advice for newbies.

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
The oddness of dreams…
My Hong Kong visit series is a favourite, starting with: Hong Kong: Our Arrival
Skinny Bitch (the most popular post on the blog)

Top 4 favourite blogs?
I currently have nearly 120 blogs in my feed reader so this is a hard one. I also find that some of my very favourite bloggers don’t do daily entries, if it’s okay with you I’ll share both types.

The Happiness Project

As and When:
Charlotte’s Web
Filth Wizardry
Montessori for Everyone

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