Third on the Right
No. of Kids: First born – boy – eight, Darling boy – six
Current City: Western side of the Blue Mountains
What’s your blog all about? Gen x mum, with two beautiful boys, a baby boomer stay at home husband who is a born and bred Dunedin boy and the recent addition of a dalmatain named Bo. I blog about life in general, home and heart, flowers and occasionally more deep and meaningful things. Inspiration where and when it strikes, here to share home and heart, meet you and yours. That is the third on the right. Right now we live in Australia, but my heart and soul and in the South Island of New Zealand. That’s where we will be in five years or less …
What is your favourite part about blogging?
Finding other lovely blogging mums and reaching out, learning and loving the engagement.
How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
Hmmm, after hours mainly – once the boys are in bed – I see it as my time, plus I forget to do the domestics …. all the time.
Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Go with the flow, be sweet to the online community and don’t feel like it’s a competiton to be perfect – reality is far more interesting !
Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
Learnt your lesson mum
What contentment looks like
Tunnel of horror
It was hard to choose three – I actually love reading my old stuff ….. it holds a lot of good memories for me :)
Top 3 favourite blogs?
Modern Country Style
Marley and Lockyer
Fun and Vjs