No. of Kids: 3 kids. Girl 13, boy 10, boy 4
Current City: Nelson NZ
What’s your blog all about?
About Me – mum, wife, friend, daughter, sister, aunty etc. Freelance textile designer.
About the blog – it’s a working progress about the design work I’m developing at the moment – all fitted in around family life. I used to work in textile industry in Europe mainly designing for home/contract/transportation furnishings market (+ still do a little bit) but now I’m starting up something a bit more personal, free-range and fun here in NZ.
I’ve also started teaching some ‘Learn to design your own printed textiles’ short courses from my studio at home so I’m sharing some of that process on the blog too.
I hope to be able to offer a custom design service online in the near future – eg,repeating patterns with customers own photos , artwork or kids drawings in them.
Why did you start blogging?
To share and to keep a working progess diary – its such a lovely thing to look back on.
What is your favourite part about blogging?
Having to get my thoughts in a manageable orderly state
How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
I try to keep my blogging time limited – otherwise I could get very lost in the ether for hours and hours!
Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Hmm. not really. Everyone is different. I‘m trying to follow my heart and not worry about little stuff too much.
Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
Designed by kids
A little fabric story
Full of colour
Top 3 favourite blogs?