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The Baxter
No. of Kids: One. Baxter!
Current City: Wellington

What’s your blog all about?
I’m a journalist turned stay-at-home mother and extremely amateur photographer. I started blogging for my family and friends, many of whom are very far from Wellington, but very interested in my son, Baxter. Starting as a rather dry ‘digital baby book’, The Baxter is now a collection of thoughts on parenting, silly little happenings and lots of pictures of my (I believe!) very beautiful, very quirky child!

Why did you start blogging?
To record Baxter’s very swift growth for far-away-family and friends and as an exercise for me to keep writing.

What is your favourite part about blogging?
I love flicking through it and seeing Baxter grow. It’s also been amazing to see how much I have grown as a parent. And then there’s the wonderful feedback and the fact my techno-illiterate grandparents have worked out how to read it every day from Christchurch.

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
I blog while Baxter is asleep and I don’t put pressure on myself to keep up the posts. If I need a week off, so be it. That’s the beauty of being the boss of your very own blog!

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Don’t put pressure on yourself to keep it up or to post every day. This is really a project for you, so future-you will understand that when a kid is teething you can’t get to the computer. Also, with less pressure it will be a pleasure, not a chore.

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
A new baby

Top 3 favourite blogs?
Since I blog through Tumblr, I have a feed of about a hundred blogs and I go through those posts all the time (gulp, a few times a day). Most are parenting and my favourites include: kaitlynpayne.tumblr.com, hooraymabelmae.tumblr.com and ehgoodlooking.tumblr.com.

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