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    As you know this site was established in 2007, being the first blog aggregation site in NZ and we want to continue growing it for our readers, bloggers and our brands.

    Love Anna and Michelle xx

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Imagination Overload
No. of Kids: 1, Riley
Current City: Christchurch

What’s your blog all about?
I’m a SAHM to Riley who always keeps me on my toes. My blog is about my family and life as a SAHM. Throw in a bit of crafting, digital scrapbooking, baking and whatever else takes my fancy.

Why did you start blogging?
I was introduced to blogging by a couple of my online Mummy friends earlier this year and thought it would be great way for family and friends to keep up to date with Riley and our family. Since then my blog has gradually developed to reflect more of me as well.

What is your favourite part about blogging?
Sharing my latest projects and my gorgeous family. Keeping a record of our life.

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
My blogging happens in the evenings or when Riley is at Kindy so I have some peace and quiet in which to think!

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Have fun and don’t worry about comments or how many followers. Blogging is about you and what you want to say. Keep at it and you’ll eventually find your groove.

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
Christmas Creations: Felt Snowman
Bear Hunt!
Just Beachy

Top 3 favourite blogs?
Craft and Nappies
Great Fun 4 Kids
Mummy Adventures

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