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Mi Cosa Nueva

No. of Kids:  2 kids. Amelie (2 years) and Rosalie (2 months)
Current City: Auckland

What’s your blog all about?
I have just had my second daughter (on Christmas day!) and I decided I needed to proactively try to avoid the feeling of unfulfillment I experienced last time I was on maternity leave. I am blogging about my mission to try at least one new thing each week, which is already proving to be a fantastic way to spice things up, stave off the boredom and help me cope with the challenging demands of life as a mum of two young kiddies.

Why did you start blogging?
as above

What is your favourite part about blogging? 
The thrill I get from writing again. I loved writing when I was at school, but stopped when I went into the workforce. Not sure why. But I’m so glad I’ve started again as I just really enjoy it!

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
I write my blog on Sunday nights after both girls have gone to sleep. My husband is very supportive and ensures that I get the time to do it!

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Just do it! It’s so easy, and it’s free!

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?

Mi Cosa Nueva es Tu Cosa Nueva
Yoga Nidra
Picasso, Eat Your Heart Out

3 favourite blogs?
Kitty as a Picture

Birth Stories

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