Maman, I need help!
Current City: Porirua, New Zealand.
What’s your blog all about? My blog is about finding joy, about good food and about my daily struggles with PND and weight loss. It’s honest and it’s thoughtful.
Why did you start blogging? I wanted to share with others. I wanted others to think “hey, I’m not alone in this”, after reading my posts. And I wanted to share my love of food and some of my yummy recipes.
What is your favourite part about blogging? I love being able to use my gift of writing. I love feeling words just flow out of me and I love sharing with others who are on a similar journey. I also love taking beautiful pictures to use on the blog.
How do you manage juggling family life with blogging? Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I do. I think that’s what life as a Mum is about. You can’t always manage it all, and that’s okay. But normally, my goal is to publish one post every week. When I do that’s great, and when I don’t, I don’t beat myself up about it.
Any advice to new/other bloggers? Be authentic and sincere.
Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
How do I know I’m loved?
What defines me?
You are enough!
Top 3 favourite blogs