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    As you know this site was established in 2007, being the first blog aggregation site in NZ and we want to continue growing it for our readers, bloggers and our brands.

    Love Anna and Michelle xx

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No. of Kids: P: 2 years and 9 months, and J: 1year old!

What’s your blog all about?
My blog is mostly about the crafting that I do.  I try to accomplish one project a week, so I focus on one area at a time.  I love sewing, creating art, and providing a fun and stimulating environment for my two daughters.

Why did you start blogging?
I wanted to share what I create with others, and give some inspiration about what can be achieved.  I love to do things from scratch so I like to share those things with others.  It also provides a great incentive to follow through on my projects, knowing that there are people who want to see my results.

What is your favourite part about blogging?
I enjoy sharing the things that I have learnt with others, and I really love helping others to achieve their own goals by providing information and advice. I also really love the feedback, especially when I put something up that I’m proud of.

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging?
I try to only post a couple of times a week, and I usually post in the evenings when I would have otherwise been on the computer anyway.  I do find that blogging does suck up some time that I should be using for housework, so I try my best to limit computer time in general.  I also keep the list of blogs that I follow (and regularly look at) small otherwise I would spend hours enviously looking at other peoples crafting efforts.

Any advice to new/other bloggers?
Blogging is a great way to share some of your ideas/philosophies with others, and a good way to connect with a different community of people.  It can be easy to look at other blogs and think ‘I could never do something as good/interesting/fantastic as that’, but you’d be surprised by how inspiring your own ideas can be.  Also, blogging is a selective look at someone’s life, you never know what someone might find worthwhile.

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
This post, and the one that follows it is one of my favourites.  It was a great project to do, and I think P will get huge amounts of value from it.
This is one of my favourties because I just love art, and this was the first time I put up some of my own artwork on the walls of my house.  Every time I look at my art, I feel inspired.
This is my first (and so far only) tutorial, and I’m so proud of having something that I created myself (with some inspiration from a friend), and that I could share with the world at large.

Top 3 favourite blogs?
chasingcheerios.blogspot.com The posts on this blog are so inspiring.  J is almost the same age as her younger daughter, and its great to read the activities she has created for her two girls.  I’m not particularly Montessori oriented, but I just get so many ideas from here.
seasidesiblings.blogspot.com – I really enjoy reading Lou’s blog, because she has a similar philosophy to me, and I get good ideas from her.  I also really enjoy her writing style, and this has alot to do with whether I will return to a blog.
mahkacrafts.blogspot.com – Something about this blog just speaks to me.  Its one I found through blogtoberfest, and I just had to follow, I can’t quite pin down why.

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