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    As you know this site was established in 2007, being the first blog aggregation site in NZ and we want to continue growing it for our readers, bloggers and our brands.

    Love Anna and Michelle xx

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Lydia Ritchie


Always made with love


No. of Kids: One – Sebastian is 14 months old (where did that time go?)

Current Location: Auckland’s North Shore, close to the beaches

What’s your blog all about? My little family and my happily ever after look at life – a family, parenting, lifestyle and mummy blog

Why did you start blogging? It is my little corner of the world, a place for me, my hobby

What is your favourite part about blogging? The friends I have made so far, the community which there is around it  

How do you manage juggling family life with blogging? I write (or should I say blog) during Sebastian’s naps – he is currently still having 2; I also LOVE LOVE LOVE my blog planner and would be lost without it

Any advice to new/other bloggers? I still consider myself to be a newbie blogger however, some advice which I finds holds true to me is.. write from the heart about what you know and love; write because YOU want to; try not to compare yourself and stats to others and plan (having a blog planner makes it easier than you think, you just need to find one that works for you)

Top 3 favourite posts from your blog?
Zzzz… Sleep – /zzzz-sleep/
Looking back ~ the early days – /?s=looking+back
Letter to my Little Mister – /letter-little-mister/

Top 3 favourite blogs
Mummy Goes Mad – http://www.mummygoesmad.com/
Bump to Baby – http://www.bump-to-baby.com/

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